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P4 & P5 Using ICT

In order to “Get a Job” I must do all of the following things:

  • Look at the day to day roles of the job that I have seen advertised on the employer’s website because they are the main source.
  • See if the job posted or advertised meets the necessary requirements.
  • Have a range of CV’s and covering letters that are tailored to fit the different working industries that exist in the world of work.
  • Do my homework about each individual employer that I have submitted a job application to e.g. who the company are, what type of job industry is their company based around, where they were founded and possibly even what has been the company’s most notable achievements.
  • Take a look into the previous experience that will be necessary to have I the job that you will potentially be submitting a job application for.
  • Get as good grades as possible from college.
  • Make sure I have good “experiences” (work, extra-curricular, voluntary, additional qualifications) from college.
  • Do a personality test to find the types of roles my character is best suited for.

  In order to break down the above tasks into smaller more manageable chunks listed below in chronological order states all of the things I must do to meet this:

  • Have a list in place for the different job titles that I am going to potentially apply for.
  • Have a list in place that outlines my necessary requirements.
  • Have ready and in place the number of CV’s which are tailored to each of the different jobs that I am going to apply for as well as the covering letter.
  • Ensure that I am ready for the day of the interview (if successful enough) where I will have collated all the knowledge that is necessary to know about the company’s background that I am going to potentially work for.
  • Have a list or evidence in place that clearly states your own experience as an individual and see if it corresponds with the job that you will be submitting a job application for.
  • Ensure that I work hard and meet all of the necessary deadlines and expectations for the assignments and work that is set to me as an individual.
  • Look into trying to do more enrichment activities at the college to enhance my job application and make my job application more richer to the employer as well as trying to obtain voluntary work.
  • is an example of a site that I can use to perform the personality test to find the most suited job to me as an individual.

Project Specification:

  • Ensure that there is a digital and physical cover for the single that we are going to create within our group who are Mohsin K, Alex B, Nathan S and Nathan Y.
  • Ensure that we all as a group read and understand the task in order to create the following list of items; these are the following the first is creating 4 potential ideas CD covers and ensure that there is a track listing outlined on the single and ensure that remixes are made. It would also be ideal to outline any tour dates for the band.
  • Create a press pack which will also contain a radio interview and a biography of all the artists within the band.
  • Include tour dates in artwork.

Gantt Chart: Click the below link to open up a PDF version of a Gantt Chart that I created using the software named Project Libre to show a series of tasks that I planned to complete with my team as well as their start and end dates and times for the American Electronica genre band based in Los Angeles California named Chain Gang of 1974. Chain Gang of 1974

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